Thursday, 6 April 2017

East Asia IBYE 2017 Learning Report

            It has been a fruitful experience during this IBYE 2017 programme. Not only did I learnt a lot from this trip, also I have made genuine friendships along the way.

            First of all in this programme, the theme “compassion in practice” really suits this year’s in conjunction of the 6th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake in Sendai. I really appreciated how JYBA and the rest of the committees delivered this whole theme to us the participants. In this programme, I got to understand how it was like when the Great Earthquake incident occurred 6 years ago, through the sharing of each speakers, I was able to imagine the scenario of the incident. However, I reckon no matter how much thoughts and imaginations I put into this, I still wouldn’t be able to fully dive into such devastating experience, I definitely will never fully understand what it is like to lose homes, families, friends and those who I hold dearest until I truly experience it myself. But having only just this little understanding and empathy, have I felt a great sense of lost and depression, and I bet if this experience really had occurred onto myself, this feeling will surely be intensified thousand and even million times stronger. The suffering which the victims went through even until this day, is truly heart-breaking. From this, I was able to taste a great sense of impermanence, inspiring me to see how fragile human lives can be, just like a lit candle, with a flick or a gentle blow, the flame goes off, just like that. It reminds me of how truly precious a human life is, and how I shouldn’t be wasting any second doing meaningless deeds. It really urges me to stop wasting on the stuffs that’s trivial or has no meaning, and start LIVING. Express what you always want to express; love the people you care and care for you; do the things that you love; moment to moment; do what makes you happy, before it’s too late. Because seriously, you never know when will the flame of your candle be extinguished. The talisman we got from the chanting ceremony, to me, it not only acts as a charm but more, it reminds me of impermanence and I hope to put it close by every time.

Talisman given during the chanting ceremony
            I also learnt a lot from victims of the great earthquake. For me, losing someone or something dear is indeed a painful experience. However, seeing the victims, they inspired me. In them, I see courage and resilience, those brave steps they took each day every day since March 11, are indeed something I have to learn from. I see acceptance of the truth, it is like they know how one fretting over this is trivial and the only way to see pass this is with acceptance. Also, what I find most inspiring from them is that there’s no hate or anger arise from this tragic incident, but love, as if everyone understands that love is the only way to overcome hate and suffering. Besides, from the community, especially Buddhist community, I admired them for their volunteerism and deep compassion. It is definitely not an easy task to consult and heal the people were traumatized and lost. But out of love and compassion, they do. With lots of limitations and restrictions, and without any hesitation, the Buddhist community just gave what they have. To me, these priests are bodhisattvas themselves, expressing Dharma through their mind, speech and action. And this unconditional love and compassion, is definitely something I’m thriving to learn. Even until today, there are still actions going on in the aids of this post-disaster, which was to me, indeed something to be impress as they take this account very serious.

            Lastly, from this programme, as I mentioned in the beginning. Genuine friendships were made as I discovered people from other nationalities. It was wonderful to be able to make friends from different backgrounds, each of them carries their own unique stories, and sometimes, they are like storybooks to me, waiting for me to unravel and discover more of themselves, whether it is their core values, exciting encounters in life or even how genuine they are when treating us, they seem to amaze me. And just like what Mr.Denphong said in his speech during the opening ceremony. Although we are somehow “separated” by language barrier, but as long as we communicate heart-to-heart, it will be clear and wouldn’t be a problem. And I find that quite true, from this experience, it shows me that so long we have the sincerity to connect with others, and if that connection is true, the receiving party surely will receive it. And this also applies to every relationship we are making with other people, only through authenticity and sincerity will then love arise.

Team #2 
BMSM Representatives from Malaysia
            Once again, thank you to WFBY and JYBA for this tremendous opportunity, thank you for the efforts the whole of committee had put into! The programme and all was really great, rich of content and I love how the committee really managed the time of each itinerary very well. However, I felt it was little shame that we are unable to learn more of Japanese Buddhism, especially Zazen, but I do understand that due to time constraint a lot of activities were held back. Still, it was a really super awesome experience! Thank you and may all of the participants, committees and the rest be well and happy always! Sadhu!

Teoh Yan Hang Lloyd,
Participant from BMSM, Malaysia

P/s: More details about the whole trip will be posted soon! (Once I have the time to do it that is :P)

Friday, 24 March 2017







从这件事,让我看到的是,人真的很厉害想很多。往往也会想很不要脸的东西,但重点都是停留在许多的幻想,许多的expectations。人也可以因为想很多而搞得自己要死不死,但事实上或许完全不是自己想象的那样。。。真的怀疑 人可以因为 自己的 思维 随时害死自己 也说不定。从这件事也让我看见了我久违露出的真正开心。这阵子说实在的也因为这件事,自己的想太多把自己搞得死去活来似的,但刚才当下当真的与人之间真心摊开时,一直Hold着的包袱立刻松懈了,完全得到自由。从这里,somehow给我的启发是,寻获快乐很简单,心与身真的要无时无刻在一起,因为这阵子的我因为想很多,往往心与身时常在分离,没有合一的状态,所以做起事来没有起劲,时常善忘东西;但只要 心 和 身 在一起后,你的身口意 都是 一致的,心不在和 自己 说做的 有冲突,是多莫舒服的。一切的烦恼的来源都来自己 自己的 意识——想太多、了解太多、以为太多!因此,怎么样快乐呢?

Live true to yourself.
Speak what you want to speak.
Do what you want to do.
Express what your heart wants.

And if there are any doubts,
Don't think, just do.
Then you will be clear.

Moment to moment, always be true to yourself.

Remember, DO NOT THINK, just do.


感恩随喜 今天有这么样的学习。


感恩2017年给我的生日不是轰轰烈烈开开心心的生日,而是平淡且有学习性的生日。 :)

Saturday, 25 February 2017


I noticed that at some point in life, when you're walking this learning path too long, there will be this sense of "loneliness" that comes in your way. And when there's this special someone who managed to knocked onto your heart's doorstep, loneliness will try and trick you on thinking:"SHE IS THE ONE!"

The one for what? The one that solves all your problems! She will be the one that fills that loneliness inside you; she will be one you need whenever you're sad, angry, disappointed and etc. Upon meeting her, you will solve your heart's problem and you two will live happily ever after! Well, that is at least what the society wants us to think, right? In today's world, when most of our desires are fulfilled by external materials, we are always on the look out for that special "someone". We will always trick ourselves by believing that if we have that particular "someone", my problems will all be solved. But is that true?

The heart is always on the look out to find "someone" to accept, understand and even love us. But the question is, do we even understand ourselves?

See, in some point in life, we feel tired. Tired (or for some people is feeling fearful) because we have to face and solve our problems. The time and energy that takes to do this is taxing and at some point we just couldn't continue. And if there's just "someone" that could just solve our problems for us, wouldn't it be nice? I gotta admit, it is wonderful. However, that's not how life works. In life, problems are the issues that we have to go through in order to grow, to be better, and more importantly, to be happy. And even that means to do it ALONE. Yep, facing life problems is something we have to do by ourselves, only us have the choice and power to change it. And perhaps that "someone" like your lover, friends or families can't solve it for you, but at least, you will know that they are always there for you, to encourage, to accompany you along the way.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

私立2总心得报告 —— 外护篇


这次参加私立的因缘不一样哟~ 不是以学员的身份,而是*噔噔噔噔* 外护~!说实在的,之前没有好好体会过真的不知道外护多辛苦多伟大!这次终于尝试了,从中也学了不少。

由于必须兼职24hr metta Samadhi Youth的代表之一,只能在24hr metta结束后直接坐巴士下到普照寺去。抵达时也已经是营进行的第3天了。虽然如此,但依然受益许多。

承担外护这责任,基本上就是帮助aunty准备膳食,确保营员3餐温饱也保持斋堂的整洁。由于所有的膳食都是Aunty负责,而这位aunty菩萨年龄也已有70了,行动有点不便,因此我们的角色是协助aunty做菜。总的来说,她就是Commander in Chief,负责指挥,而我们是她的soldiers。在这里也事先说明,我可是几乎没进厨房的人(有也是找吃的),一直一来我都对于准备吃的比较随便,若是我一个人为自己做菜,一定是随随便便解决它。但这次可是为营员师父们准备的,所以绝对不能潦草。进入厨房的我,对于烹饪切菜一窍不通,做任何事时不是问旁边的外护就是有样学样,刚开始时还真的有点害羞尴尬,但也慢慢习惯,学习了不同的切菜方式。之后在营的最后一天,也因为另一位负责帮aunty炒菜的外护金盛师兄有点儿不舒服,aunty就“使唤”我代替他。炒菜过程,aunty很严格,强调手脚要快,不能摸。因此,给我这对于烹饪0经验的人有点儿措手不及,但也同时提起了我认真的心态,当下用心投入炒菜。发现到能够投入用心地做一件事情时,心情是开心的,有着深深的满足感。最近的我,都在颓废状态中,很难提起心里认真于当下,很多事情都是随随便便,常常心不在焉,但这次真的很感恩aunty再次让我看到用心的美。

Aunty虽然只不过是个外护之一,但从不看小自己的重要性,听外护长说aunty每一天早上都比任何人更早起身。每当外护长准时进厨房时就已经看到aunty在那里下厨很久了,也听说aunty在营的第二天为了炖汤,做到半夜2点才入睡,那天的她只睡了3小时多。第一天入营的我也发现到aunty当天的眼睛是非常红的。从中,可以看见aunty是多么的无私,多么地想为这批学佛的孩子出点力。Aunty也说过类似这番话:“到时等你们这些未来佛来度化aunty啊~” 想说的是,也不知道是谁在度化谁呢,想到这里都觉得非常感动。另外,在大出坡时,aunty也很幽默且很有智慧的跟我们说,打扫拖地时可以唱观音菩萨或是释迦摩尼佛,这样自己也会越做越开心,越做越欢喜。她还活泼地唱了一首给我们听,在唱地时候身体也随着拖地的动作摇摆,增添了当下的气氛。


离营前,我也在佛陀面前告假。当下以为自己在这3天中得到的感动也只不过如此,没什么好依旧的,但其实心里在敝着。在拜忏下去时,我哭了。越哭越停不下来,眼泪不断流下。原因简单,在这3天中体会到aunty的用心,也看到她那无私的爱,最后也因为无法留下帮她准备晚餐、与她共享最后的晚餐,心中有着莫名的不舍、心疼甚至忏愧。心疼的是看到aunty这样不断用心付出,她那无我的精神,就算身体老了,还是继续这样不屈地为佛教奉献;忏愧的是看到aunty到了这年龄还精进学佛、用心体会人生,而我明明有手有脚,健健康康地,这阵子却像个废人一样,窝在家里,把自己与世界、与自己的心隔绝。。。我还以自己心累,对于人事物渐渐失去感觉 当作 所谓“借口”,但在学佛另个角落有位70岁的老aunty在为佛教界,社会,甚至未来做出庞大庞大的改变,虽然她不是什么著名的伟人,更不是什么政治家,但单凭着她那份慈爱心、用心,我想,应该影响了许多人的心,再次重新把心打开。她所做的庞大改变是以她的身口意让人重新见到光明,让我重新感受爱的感觉。虽然只有3天的时间,但在这3天内,aunty已经足以让我深深被打动,在我心中留下了一个非常特别的位子。


一定 一定 一定  要一直在学佛路上一同与善友善知识的陪同下不断精进向上向善。




在这新的一年里 能够以3宝为方向,学习佛陀的慈悲智慧,精进学习,快乐成长。

心法 合十

离开前,还求个抱、拍个相,也告诉了aunty要好好照顾自己的身心。但之后心中非常遗憾因为没有把心里真正要说的话说出来。当下其实想告诉让她我是多么感恩感激她的,想要让她看到因为她我心中重新温暖了起来,想要不只是“告诉”她要照顾身体而已,而是不断地强调她要照顾自己,就算是她突然嫌我啰嗦我都要拼命说,想要让她知道我是多么心疼她的,想要她知道虽然只有3天的时间,但我是被爱的,想要说的是很多很多的 谢谢 和 很多很多的 我爱你 的。师父说,只要一直在学佛路上,我们每个人都会有缘再见,希望我有天能够再次见到Aunty您。