Sunday, 31 January 2016

Career Talk之心得报告

Okay, so I thought about Yew Vee's idea of having a session where we can all sit down and share anything we had learnt in every event we participated or organized (especially organized), whether its from a technical point of view or emotional point of view. It can be anything. And I thought this idea is definitely good, because it brings out a lot of positive energy and at the same time, we can be truthful not only to ourselves, but to others. So instead of having a session (which most of us probably won't have the time), I decided to put it down in words instead.

To be honest, about this career talk, I admit that I haven't been doing a really good job in up-keeping throughout this time. I know this weakness of mine, which is I get bored of following-through something and lose focus easily. Most people shall say this as 三分钟热度. I lose interested in things which needs attention and upkeep throughout time, in this case, is needing to follow-through WhatApps every time. And throughout the time, I will try as best as possible to escape this, sometimes having the mindset of: "If I can avoid it, I will avoid it until I can't". And until the day before the event, where all the last minute magic happens, I get frustrated easily, because of all the workload I delayed until the very end of time suddenly weighed down on me so heavily.

And in the process, I had troubled the people around me, and might even hurt them. I hereby say I'm sorry to those that I had hurt. Sorry to Szeching for being scolded with no valid reason. From Szeching and Quian Wei, I learnt to really put faith on people, especially to those who are close to me. Forgive me that I hadn't believe you two so much, as this is my first time not really having to brief you guys face to face about how the whole event runs, I got anxious, not knowing whether you two were truly aware of the whole flow. And also maybe I'm just to used to handle all the things by my own, maybe I stand alone for too long that I forgot how to trust people again. But in fact, you guys really did a splendid job as emcees, especially Szeching, you really improved a lot. Thank you and sorry.

And to Karwye, who was almost totally blurred throughout the planning period, sorry that I didn't explain much about the details to you. Sometimes I really caught up with a lot of things that I forgot to tell you the updates and also a lot of things I always assumed that you should know. And in the very last minute, you were forced to accompany me doing those last minute work. Thank you for tolerating my attitude and bad habits. I will change for the better.

And as for Yuhang and YewVee, haha... for the pre-U session, honestly, although I didn't manage to sit throughout the whole sharing, but I know you guys did an AWESOME job. Seems like I found people who are really reliable to be my vice-chairpersons. Seriously, really lucky to have you two.

Of course, not to forget the remaining exco who came, Qian Shi. Thank you for helping out even though you can be at home relaxing that time. Some more forced by me to sit for sharings that you were not interested in. Haha!

So to sum this up, from this event, I learnt to trust people more, and if we were to improve SYN for the better, the first step I must take is to run the whole body as a TEAM, not by an individual. I have to remind myself I'm not a lone wolf any more as I have you guys. And through believing people and giving people the parts they need to unlock their potentials and learning growth, that's when we all feel as if we are truly a TEAM. Thank you to all who fulfilled my learning today! Truly grateful to have you guys! Love you guys! SYN add oil!!! Muacks~ <3 XD

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Wake Up, Lloyd!

Because of addiction,

Kept postponing my work, my studies...
All the responsibilities that were and still entitled to me...
I delayed ALL of them...
Simply because I DON'T WANT to face them...
All because of my laziness, my greediness over indulging a lay-backed lifestyle...
And the only solution I came up with is to ESCAPE.
ESCAPE through gaming, youtubing, facebooking...
All of these under a simple word called PROCRASTINATION...

And what happen's when I'm forced to face them?
By the time that I face, it's usually at the very last minute...
And all my negativity spurred up like a jet engine...
Spreading, contaminating to those who I cherish and love...
In the end, I will be ending up getting remorseful and regretful for
all the bad actions I made,
all the harmful things I said.
all to the people I hold dearly...

And previously I lied to myself that I'm just have a time to relax myself...
But now I know relax comes in various forms,
but certainly, putting myself indulging into gaming isn't the way to go...
If it was back then when I'm still doing things as a lone wolf, I don't mind too much of getting myself procrastinated...
However, right now I have a team behind me, a family and friends willing to back me up whenever I fall...
How can I waste such time indulging in something that would just give me momentarily satisfactory?

What about living?
What about the dreams?
What about the places YOU wanted to explore? All the adventures you wanted to unravel?
What happened to ALL of them?

Did it all got buried while YOU'RE playing your precious DOTA? Or wasting time doing things that doesn't even bring any sense?

Time is wasting, Lloyd. And you know that. YOU know it clearly in your heart...

Just that, YOU kept forgetting... You are always... asleep...

But now is the time to CHANGE. Now that I'm AWARE. I promise myself I will always be AWARE...
Always be mindful of my thoughts...
Always remember what my heart really wants...
Not in momentarily happiness...
but to achieve HAPPINESS LIVIN'...

I, Lloyd Teoh promised myself right now, to always be MINDFUL of my thoughts, and always remember my goals and not to fall nor stray from my path, If I ever do so, may I have the strength to forgive myself, and keep reminding myself to push hard. to break through.

May my mind always be in the RIGHT THOUGHTS and CONSCIOUSNESS.
May the triple gems forever always be in my heart.

Lloyd, You can do it, I know you can.

Peace out.

P/s: 记得不要再活出死人的生活了!加油!

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

第12届滨海佛学会学长团培训营 总心得报告









Love Life,体验人生:


在这4天3夜中,身为senior的我,回来滨海做辅导员看到了我许多可以进步的地方。其中也发觉到从2015年的分手后,发现自己好像变得太“踏实”了,总是很多东西顾虑很多,一味想:“怎么样才是最佳的方法?怎么样才不会去伤害别人?”这样的一直想反而常常使自己对于原本的目标/方向更加的模糊和不稳,最后也只能站在原点。但实际上,或许生命就没有所谓“最佳”吧?不管好或不好,它只不过是生命的过程,每个当下的促成是个学习的机会。也在老师的身上学习到要时时看清目标与方向,清清楚楚知道自己的每个举动是为了什么,特别是在人际关系上,只要念头是善的,就不用害怕说出来或让对方知道,因为相信他也是能够感受这份善在成就你我的学习。老师们的稳重是我其中想学习的地方之一。除此之外,也发觉自己的辅导与观察人的技巧上有待加强,这部分希望以后有机会 还可以继续学习。


愿 自己时时刻刻保持清醒,敢敢做出选择,敢敢生活。
愿 大家健康快乐 一起学习

心法 合十